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Repairs Project

Super-structure, walls, roof, and window repairs must be addressed first before any restoration can begin. A complete upgrade of the water, sewer, electrical, and gas infrastructures must be performed to bring these utilities up to code. This objective will be performed in conjunction with the Modernizaion Project. Engineering assessments are still ongoing and nearing completion. Please refer to the About page for a more detailed explaination of the projects.

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Images of the Damages
Walls, Railings, and Sidewalks

Southeast corner of property along Sample Street and N. Center Street. Damage here is being caused by heavy saturation of the front lawn. Walls are being pushed towards the sidewalks. This damage is causing considerable concern for pedestrian safety. Railings have rusted to the point that they will not support any pressure and have become jagged and sharp.

Wall along Sample St. is leaning into the sidewalk. Railing is rusted and falling.

Front wall located along N. Center Street is leaning into the sidewalk. Sidewalk is buckling, becoming a walking hazard.

Roofs and Windows

This is the area of major concern as the roof and windows are responsible for keeping the natural elements from entering a building. Rain, snow, wind, etc... has caused considerable damage since penetrating the exterior of the building. Holes in the roof, missing shingles, rotting sheathing, and broken/missing windows and skylights need to be repaired/replaced before any other repairs or restoration can commence on the property. This will also be the most costly phase of the repairs.


In addition to crumbling walls, the southside courtyard has an abandoned boiler room below ground level. The roof of this subsurface room has collasped. Rendering this area of the courtyard very dangerous not only for the risk of falling into the void, but the hole usually fills with water. Existing stairs and ramps to the Annex's basement and first floors have deteriorated from ice and weather. These stairs and ramps will need to be replaced and updated to code.

Warden Area

Even though there is damage to the roof in this area, the majority of the interior damage is due to broken windows. Rain, snow, and wind have infiltrated the structure. As this area of the building is mostly constructed of wood, excluding the exterior walls, major damage is occurring daily. In addition to damage from the elements, the broken windows have allowed a large population of pigeons into the building. These birds are creating a biohazard concern in addition to the physical damage.


The damage in this area is due mainly to the roof and skylight damage. Once repairs to the roof and skylights are completed, this area is mainly a cleanup operation. The ceiling in this area will need to be replaced. There is some water damage here, but no major structural concerns