This stunning historical building is being reborn! The restoration of the Cambria County 'Old Stone Jail' is under way with the goal of historical preservation of the property. This will present many opportunities, to the Borough of Ebensburg and the surrounding communities of Cambria County, by providing a unique and interesting place to visit. But..... With the lingering issues related to the Covid-19 pandemic and the economic downturn following it, we are struggling with capital and labor issues. These issues are being addressed. Architectural design and engineering activities are still ongoing and nearing completion. The revised schedule is to have these steps finalized and approved before spring 2024. Permitting is scheduled to start at the first of the year with repairs commencing by late 1st quarter 2024.

Upon restoration, the building will host events, weddings and banquets, prison and haunted tours, office and retail spaces, and more.

Links to additional information on the 'Old Stone Jail' restoration project:
Restoration of the Jail

Interesting links related to the 'Old Stone Jail':
Old Stone Jail History Cambria County Historical Society »


Talk in the Yard

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