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Modernization Project

The Modernization Project includes objectives such as upgrading utilities, adding restrooms, and providing handicap access. The property must be updated to adhere to current building/municipal codes and to facilitate the larger volume of people in a safe manner. As the building was originally designed and built to manage and control a prison population, pedestrian traffic flow was purposely restricted. This project will make enhancements to accommodate a larger volume of occupants and the needs of the handicap will be addressed while preserving as much of the historical value as possible.

Old Stone Jail Property - Basement This floorplan shows the entire property including the streets and Veteran's Park for reference.
Old Stone Jail Property - 1st-Floor This floorplan shows the 1st floor and courtyards of the property.
Front Patios-1st Floor

This area contains the updated front entrances for both the 1st floor and the dungeon. There are 2 new main patio areas. One is parkside and the other is to the south. Both patios face N. Center Street. Beneath these patios are 2 large rooms for storage and utilities. There are 2 elevators here to service these needs and also serve as the building's marquee billboards.
There is a new patio and stairwell originating from the street for the Warden's area.

New Front Patios

New Paved Patios.

New Front Stairwells

Widened stairwell to patios and dungeon.

New Stairwells to Warden's Area

Stairwell to Warden's office and dungeon.

Southside Courtyard and Patio Floorplan

This area is located within the southside courtyard along Sample St. In the center of this courtyard, stairwell access to the basement and 1st floor for the Annex section of the building has been improved. This area will have new handicap access to the 1st floor of the Old Stone Jail area of the building. Handicap access is also included here to the basements of the Old Stone Jail and Annex areas.

Southside Patio and Handicap Ramp

Southside Patio with handicap access and handicap ramp from courtyard to 1st floor of Stone Jail area.

Handicap Ramp to Annex and Stone Jail Basements

Southside Courtyard with handicap ramp from courtyard to Annex and Stone Jail basement areas.

Annex Stairwells

Southside Courtyard Annex entrance with stairwells to Annex 1st floor and basement areas.

Outdoor Space- Northside Courtyard

This area is located along the Veterans Park on the north side of the property. This area will be paved and have lighting. Improvements include a sound stage and an enlarged entrance to the 1st floor of the Annex. A large wooden sliding door/gateway will be added for access to and from the Veteran's Park. To the rear of this courtyard a service garage will be added for the maintenace department use. This garage will also serve as the loading/unloading area for the stage.

Annex Entrance and Stage

Updated entrance and new sound stage.

Veterarn's Park Access

New sliding door for Veteran's Park access.

Stone Jail Cells - 1st and 2nd Floors

This floorplan depicts the 1st floor of the Old Stone Jail section of the building. Improvements in this area include two (2) caged elevators that travel between the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd floors. The existing stairs from the first floor to the second floor will be replaced with wider stairs adhering to state and local building codes. The stairs from the second floor to the third floor will also be widened. The cells will be updated to improve access to them. The catwalk on the 2nd floor will be replaced and widened to accommidate more people safely.

Stone Jail View from 1st Floor

First floor view showing one of the two elevators, widened doorways to the cells, and widened entrance to the Annex.

Stone Jail Skylights from 1st Floor

First floor view showing the opened ceiling exposing the skylights

Stone Jail View from 2nd Floor

Second floor view shows the widened catwalks. The railings are now floor to ceiling in length. This is to prevent any accidental falls. This will also provide safety from falling objects.

Stone Jail Cells - 3rd Floor

Located on the 3rd floor of the Old Stone Jail section of the building are areas that can be segmented to provided several large rooms. Two large restrooms are also on this floor for the men and women. The catwalk on the 3rd floor will be replaced and widened to accommidate more people safely. A service elevator travels from the 1st floor to provide access to this floor for the handicap and services.

Stone Jail 3rd Floor Banquet Rooms

Stone Jail 3rd floor banquet room showing room dividers.

Stone Jail 3rd Floor Service Elevator

Stone Jail 3rd floor showing the service elevator, guest-use elevators, and widen stairwell.

Annex - 1st-4th Tiers

The Annex's 1st thru 4th tiers will be updated with new electrical, data, and fire support. Catwalks and landings have been added and widened.

Annex Tiers

Annex view shows improved catwalks and stairwells.

Annex Catwalks

Widen catwalk from 3rd floor of Stone Jail to Annex 4th tier. And a new catwalk and landing from 2nd floor Stone Jail to 3rd tier of the Annex. Stairwells within the tiers are moved to outside of the cell blocks to provide a wider hallway on each tier. This also provides a stronger landing for each staired-catwalk,