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The Most Haunted Historical Building in the Eastern United States!

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Delay in Schedules

With the lingering issues related to the Covid-19 pandemic and the economic downturn following it, repairs and restoration has been delayed with capital and labor issues. These issues are being addressed with progress. Due to the condition of the property, it has become difficult to attact third-party support to invest in the future of this property. The majority of the financial repsonsibilty to repair the property will now soley depend on the success of other projects owned and operated by DSherwoodD Enterprises, LLC.
Update: Feb. 28, 2025. Due to the extreme weather this winter, the project schedule has been revised. Architectural design and engineering assessments are still ongoing and are now scheduled for completeion in late spring. Permitting is scheduled to start in the second quarter of this year with major repairs commencing by 3rd quarter 2025. Roof repairs are still scheduled to begin in early April.

Navigating the Website

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Sections of the Jail

In order to visualize the full scope of the projects, the layout of the property and building should first be understood. The terms and definitions presented on this page will be used through-out the website. As you navigate this website, refer back to this page for explainations of the Old Stone Jail floorplans.

Jail Floorplan

This floorplan and those that follow on this page, depicts the property from the 1st floor perspective looking north. The property is approximately 265ft long and 114ft wide. The building is 232.5ft long and 66.5ft wide. This is appromiately 15,500sq ft per floor. Giving the building approximately 62,000sq ft in total. Actual usable space is closer to 60,000sq ft.

Front Courtyard

The front courtyard rises about 5ft about the sidewalk and is grass covered. The future plan is to pave this area and make it into two patios.

Northside Courtyard

This courtyard is located on the northern side of the property, bordering the Veteran's Park, and is a combination of concrete slabs and dirt. This area is planned for future event gatherings.

Southside Courtyard

This courtyard is located on the southside of the building along Sample Street. This courtyard will be updated with improved stairways and handicap ramp access to the building. Utilizing the large sliding gate in the surrounding security wall, this courtyard will be able to accommidate a larger volume of access to the building.

Warden's Area

This area is within the castle like structure of the building at the front of the property. This section provided the previous wardens the public and private areas where they and their families worked and lived. The first floor held the adminitrative office and warden's office. A 3rd room on the first floor was used as an office for additional staffing. The second and third floors were the warden's private living areas. The basement has rooms for utilities and maintenance of the building.

Stone Jail

This section was the original prisioner's celling area. The first and second floors incorporated 14 stone and iron cells each. These cells are 9ft by 15ft and 10ft high. The ceilings are domed. Two larger rooms are accessed off of the main hallway in the Warden's Area. One room served as the kitchen and breakroom for the jail's staff in more recent times. The basement (dungeon) area repeats this layout but had dirt floors. The floors are still dirt to this day. The 3rd floor was added when the Annex was added to the building.


This section was added to the building in 1910. It is comprised of a steel girder super-structure with brick exterior walls. This section is 4 stories high and is essentially one open room. In the center of the room is a stack of 4 tiers of cells. Commonly referred to as the "Bullpen". Each tier contains 20 cells. The basement of the Annex has many rooms that once held the kitchen, laundry, showers, and recreation areas.

Understanding the Restoration

The rebirth of the Old Stone Jail will be conducted over a 3 year period, with an estimated budget of $2.3 million. This endeavour involves three (3) projects; the Repairs Project, the Restoration Project, and the Modernization Project.

To achieve the goal of restoring this building to it's original appearenace at the turn of the 20th century:

  • the Restoration Project will govern and direct its objectives, as well as the objectives of the Repairs and Modernization projects. While staying true as possible to the original architecture, repairs need to be addressed first and upgrades to the property to modern standards are in order for the building to safely manage larger volumes of people.
  • the main objectives of the Repair Project are to fix all issues that are contributing to the decay of the building, such as replacing the roofs and broken windows.
  • some of the objectives of the Modernization Project are to address issues that need to be updated/upgraded and not just 'fixed'. One example would be the upgrade of stairways, electrical, water/sewage, and gas. The Modernization Project is also tasked with the addition of the handicap access through-out the property and the addition of restrooms.

The best way to understand and follow the progression of the projects, is to view the website sections in the following order. At least the first time thru.